Monday, March 24, 2008

two months...

I can't believe that it's been over two months since Dave's diagnosis. Time goes by so quickly...

Dave had a good week again. It's so nice to have nothing to post sometimes! This week he'll get the strongest dose of chemo, doxorubicin. He'll get an echocardiogram to monitor his heart, and then, hopefully, we'll have two weeks off before bringing him back to begin his third induction cycle.


Buddy & Peggy said...

Thank you for so very much for sharing Dave's blog with us. He is so very brave and very lucky to have such great parents. Give him a hug from his Great Aunt & Uncle. He is such a cutie pie.

Bridget said...

We are so happy Dave is doing so well. Keep it up Dave!! Tell your parents to buy you another chicken.