It's week six, with sixteen more to go. Dave was apparently in rare form today. The nurse reported that he tried to fight with a 100 pound Golden Retriever and a cat that was on a nurse's lap. Why was in close range of a cat? Because he was making so much noise in his "run" that they decided to let him roam for a bit. We apologized for his misbehavior, but the nurse waved that off. I guess his charming looks and personality with people make up for his naughtiness.

He is still in remission, and they have no concerns cancer-wise. His eye diagnosis is back to glaucoma, and he doesn't have to see the opthamologist next week. However, his pressure was "severely increased" today, and they observed early optic nerve damage. The eye prognosis is guarded, and he is in danger of losing it. I've been referring to it as him becoming a winky dog. I wonder if they make pirate patches for dogs...
Week 6 meds:
Elspar 400 IU/kg, administered through IV
Cosopt drops 3x/day
Xalatan drops 2x/day
methylzolamide 25 mg 2x/day
The Cosopt and Xalatan dosages were increased to (hopefully) help with the pressure. When he had this dosage several weeks ago, the pressure stayed down. Methylzolamide is an oral med for the pressure. Mike said it reminded him of a White Castle burger because of it's square shape. He truly is special sometimes.
1 comment:
argh matey! Dave's eye patch would be a great complement with my many pirate shirts!!
Seriously, glad to hear that he had a good (but lively) check up today.
ps nice picture. classy. ; )
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