I decided a few days ago that Dave needed a bucket list (i.e., things to do before he kicks the bucket). We started it before I had this genious idea, but it looks a little like this:
1. lots of treats (he hadn't been getting a lot throughout his treatment)
2. ice cream
3. go to the park and chase geese
4. lots of walks (not much different than usual, but why change status quo)
5. table scraps (he's NEVER been fed table scraps, and we're still only giving him the good stuff, like chicken and veggies vs. crap)
6. stuffed toys to destroy
7. trip to the beach
We've hit every one but the beach trip, and I hope to get him there next weekend for grammom's birthday. Any other suggestions?
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15 years ago
i think a private(w/o m & A) sleep over with grammom would be awesome! and a day at the beach on his own towel...he loved that two years ago!
As long as Grammom can handle five eye drops and five pills during the day... Hopefully he'll be feeling good enough for a birthday visit next weekend.
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