Tuesday, April 22, 2008

uneventful visit

Today's visit matched well with Dave's week - uneventful! His lymph nodes are normal and the bloodwork and eye are still looking good. He got his treatment, and we were out of there in record time... under three hours! His main vet was back, and again remarked how well he's doing. I had to ask if it's indicative of longer remission times, and she gave me what I thought would be the answer: they have no way of knowing. I'm trying to manage my hope, but when he's doing so well, it's difficult.

Next week is his last week of the induction cycles. Nine weeks to go of the cycle, and then nine weeks of the vaccine. After the end of the induction cycle, he starts consolidation (week 16, on May 13th), where he'll get doses of doxorubicin every other week. It's the 'strongest' chemo that he's had, but he has fewer side effects than the Elspar. With a little anti-nausea medicine, he tolerates it fairly well.

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